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Our Programs

Check Out Our Programs


We trap/neuter/vet and return cats from your property!

Email to inquire about our TNR program.

Love for the Ages

We believe no human or cat is too old to begin love anew. Regardless of age, pets bring us joy, love, and companionship. 

Love for the Ages aims to connect “older” cats with owners 60 and older by bringing a wonderful companion into your home. 

Qualifying individuals who participate in this program will have the adoption fee waived.

Email to find out which cats are currently available for this terrific program.

Barn Cat Program

This program supports placing cats that are not suitable for indoor living where they are wanted, valued, and cared for!

Barns, outbuildings, factories, and warehouses are all considered suitable shelters for cats in this program.

Cats placed into this program fit into at least one of the following categories:

  • Cats who are social but too feisty interacting with people. Barn cats thrive in environments with “work” to do.
  • Cats who are shy or fearful of people. Barn cats prefer the company of other cats and animals.
  • Cats whose litterbox habits make them unsuitable for indoor residential life.

Click HERE to complete an application for a barn cat.


**All cats are fully vetted, including being spayed or neutered, prior to being available within our programs.